
#02 - Emilia Janis: The Power of Partnerships in SaaS

Written by Christian Fredrik Stene | October 11, 2023

This time we're joined by Emilia Janis, Head of Partnerships at OneFlow, a passionate advocate for partner programs within the SaaS space.

In This Episode

Emilia joins us in a discussion about the integral role of partner programs in SaaS businesses.

This episode discusses the paths toward using the potential of ecosystems through well-structured partner programs and introduces listeners to the concept of 'Nearbound'—a combination of inbound and outbound strategies designed to amplify revenue streams.


"Leveraging the power of your ecosystem, so the companies you know close to you, to influence the entire revenue funnel from lead acquisition to customer retention, that for me is, is nearbound in a nutshell."

Key Takeaways

  • Exploring why every SaaS firm should consider them as fundamental as sales and marketing.
  • How strategically leveraging networks can expedite business scaling.
  • The importance of allowing partner strategies to grow and adapt organically based on real-time data and interactions.

Concept and Impact of 'Nearbound' as a Revenue Stream

Emilia describes Nearbound as a strategic approach that blends the elements of inbound and outbound marketing strategies, utilizing the power of close networks or ecosystems to influence the entire revenue funnel—from lead acquisition through to customer retention.

This concept is particularly tailored for SaaS companies looking to use existing relationships and networks.

Emilia emphasizes that Nearbound is not just another buzzword but a practical approach that helps clarify the roles and contributions of partnerships in a company’s revenue strategy.

Necessity of Partner Programs for SaaS Companies

Emilia argues that omitting a partner program in a SaaS setup is akin to overlooking a critical revenue stream.

Comparing its absence to a tech company without a marketing department, she highlights how integral these programs are for comprehensive market penetration and revenue diversification.


Organic Development and Evolution of Partner Programs in B2B SaaS

Emilia Janis explains the natural progression of partner programs in B2B SaaS companies, using OneFlow as a case study. Initially, their partner program started reactively—sparked by specific customer requests for technical integrations that would allow OneFlow to serve certain market segments better.

This approach is typical for many SaaS businesses, where partner strategies often emerge from direct customer needs rather than through planned strategies.

Emilia points out the importance of shifting from this reactive stance to a more strategic and proactive management of partner programs. At OneFlow, they recognized the need to not just respond to immediate integration requests but to actively use these partnerships to drive broader business objectives.


The Importance of Dedicated Resources for Managing Partner Programs

Highlighting the significance of investing in dedicated resources, Emilia urges companies not to skimp on staffing their partner programs. Justifying such investment with the potential returns a well-oiled partner program can generate, she advocates for adequate resourcing as essential for any serious partnership endeavor.

  • Discussion on resource allocation for partner program management
  • Impact analysis of adequately resourced vs. under-resourced partner programs


  • (00:06) Importance of Partner Programs in SaaS Ventures
  • (02:15) Leveraging Ecosystems for Growth
  • (04:00) Organic Development and Evolution of Partner Programs
  • (10:45) Concept and Impact of 'Nearbound' as a Revenue Stream
  • (15:20) Activating Partners and Aligning on Shared Goals
  • (20:30) The Importance of Dedicated Resources for Managing Partner Programs

Connect with Emilia here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emilia-janis-4815b8108/ 

Connect with Andreas here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreaskongstad/