Deal hygiene problems? How HubSpot deal Tags keep your pipeline healthy

When speaking with sales reps, a common challenge mentioned is a struggle to quickly identify stalled and at-risk deals, and to spot where they need to put in some extra work to increase the likelihood of closing the deal. 

One of my favorite ways to visualize how deals are progressing, help reps spot potential issues, and guide them to the next high-impact action is deal tags. 

Deal tags provide a clear, color-coded visual indicator of how deals are progressing, helping sales reps quickly spot potential issues and guiding them toward the next high-impact action.

This approach becomes even more powerful when linked directly to your sales framework, clearly highlighting the critical steps reps must take to increase the likelihood of closing deals and avoid common pitfalls like overly optimistic assumptions – often referred to as "happy ears."The visualization can look something like what you see above, where we’re using the list view in the deal pipeline with deals tags. 

Blue tags = Completed or up-to-date actions

Yellow tags = Actions not yet completed or missing information

Red = Warnings indicating issues such as overdue deals or expired quotes

Grey = Actions currently in...

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